Obviously , there will be more and more disruptions moving forwards faced by incumbents industries if they are not adaptable with changes. Wired living will bring more values propositional differentials as below that may potentially disrupt incumbents Industries.
Some drivers :
Customers : Fastidious Life has been the most choice due to the outbreak.
Channels : Online channels will unavoidably grow
Trade Partners chain : potentially simplified supply chains model.
Networks : Platforms business models dominance.
Pricings strategy : will be shocking. Online brings simplicity
Brands : so much strengthened through BTL ( Below The Line )
Revenue Model ; Omny channel is like magic stick to move People’s money to Challengers’ company pockets.
And so on and forth.
Incumbents still dont wanna change????
See these facts:
Iphone kicked Nokia
Netflix defeated DVD
Airbnb disrupted hotels chain
Kodak collapsed due to digital cam
TV is dying for youtube
In short… we have to be challenger amid this outbreak rather than remaining status quo and ‘Vanish’ … Ohhh Noooooooo
Stay Healthy, stay safe , stay productive within New age of wired living linkers//bp
PA Consultant .. help Organization to GROW
God Bless / God Speeds