Today, aviation industry plays a significant roles in our country specifically and other countries. This business consists of general aviation and commercial air transportation. There are several trades connected with the airlines industry , such as airlines engines manufacturers, vendors, suppliers etc. Aircraft maintenance and other airlines generated products by themselves are other by- products of airlines which are developed mainly in airports or nearby areas.
The goal of the analysis is to generate interest for set up Airlines to possibly keep enhancing knowledge , thought / experience shares among others for the benefits of company in the future especially for those involved in the start up projects , planning, analyzing and decision makers.
Some sampling especially in marketing are taken from the experiences of remarkable Southwest Airlines, Virgin Atlantic airways, Ryan Air, Air Asia have some commonalities since those remarkable companies have record of profitability in a turbulent industry.
It is assumed that the information described in the analysis will be pretty adequate to support general ideas of Airlines cost efficiency ways done by most of successful airlines which have in common in enforcing and materializing their success ideas to become reality.
These below are Airlines Fuels conservation programs as they are endorsed by Dr George Radnoti
Fuel Conservation and its economic impact
In 1944 , The Air Transport Association (ATA) introduced cost of formula for estimating airplane direct operating cost. Few revisions followed in some years. Fuel cost category is the component of direct operating cost which absorbed most percentages compared to other fuel categories.
Fuel consumption ,indeed, depends on airplane engines combination, airplane operating policy and maintenance. The maintenance especially is responsible for keeping airplanes in such a condition that drag is minimal while engine performance is maximal. Ground operations , flight operation must also support to do any ways for the sake of fuel savings .
Here are the strategies done for fuel savings purpose:
( Ground operation and Flight ops department )
- Ground operations:
- Engines start should not be initiated until passenger boarding is completed.
- ATC departure delay should result to in engine shutdown
- The closest runway should be used , if possible.
- Taxi fuel may be reduced by intersection takeoff, if possible
- Runway turn off should be initiated after landing as soon as possible to minimize taxi distance to terminal.
- The use APU should be kept to minimum. If possible , APU is only used for starting up engine only.
- Working with the pilot group to develop single engine taxi procedures. Taxiing with one engine shut down could save about 23-55 kgs/min in fuel. In case of more than two engines aircraft , running two versus three engines would result additional fuel savings of about $8400 per year.
- Tow bar less tractor operation is a fuel saver. This technique is known as power in power out ( PIPO ). It saves about 70 % fuel.
- If the push back is used , aircrafts must be pushed in 70 and 90 % heading position.
- Fuel Tankering
Sometimes it is worthwhile to tanker fuel due to the variation in fuel prices. Causation should be exercised, however, because carrying fuel costs fuel too. The following items play a part in decision to tanker fuel:
- Price difference
- Aircraft type
- Enroute wind and temperature
- Cruise speed
- Flight level
- Payload
– No fuel available at destination.
By tinkering some operators could save 1.5 to 3 percent of fuel consumption costs.
- Fuel dumping
Fuel dumping occur when shortly after take off an emergency situation arises and the airplane has to return to base ( RTB ). In order to land at maximum landing weight , the excess fuel is dumped ( However environmentally authorities are not in favor of fuel dumping ). The other alternative is to have heavy overweight landing which is commonly done.
- Center of Gravity
Fuel savings can be obtained by shifting center of gravity ( CG ) aircraft. By loading the airplane in this way , the magnitude of savings would be about 0.3 to 0.5 percent in fuel.
- One-Stop versus nonstop flights
On long trip when the airplane is to close to its range limit, one stop of landing can be reducing fuels. E.g A320 flies CGK-TIM, Non stop flight will certainly reduce payload and consuming more fuel burns during taxi up to landing. Enrouting flights to CGK-UPG-TIM ( one stop landing ) will affect fuel savings and resul in an opportunities to carry more payload, thus producing more revenues. However, provit loss analysis shall be made since the aircraft will subject to two landings, more aircraft handling, trip times, and other costs which may incur.
- Cruise Altitude
Flying at the optimum altitude furnishes the very best fuel economy. The Pilot group shall be committed to “carry the highest load with the least cost” paradigm.
- Air condition utilization during flights
Studies have indicated that operating one – air condition pack less in flight could save about 0.3 to 0.8 percent fuel flow. The decision to shut down one pack should be based on passengers load and time when food is served. This would amount to $ 4,000 to $ 10,000 fuel savings per year.
- Decent
The maximum fuel economy during descend can be achieved by idle thrust whenever possible and using slow-speed descend. Slow speed descend generate fuel savings.
- Shorter ground time
The lower utilization of airplane made their operation very expensive. Airplanes more utilization will generates more income and will save ground time fuel consumption.
- Holding
To minimize fuel , holding maneuvers should be conducted at the highest possible altitude in clean configuration at minimum maneuver speed
There are still many Fuel Consevation programs.
Well , Now try to identify Your Biz , which areas you that contribut Cost Saving Effectively
. Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – March 10, 2022