Whether you have started your business into Singapore or you will start , it will be essential to know further on Regulations :
IATA Area : 3
Capital : Singapore (SIN)
Local Time : GMT + 8
Daylight Saving Time : GMT + 8: Singapore observes DST year round.
Country Code : + 65
Local Currency : Singapore Dollar (SGD)
Bank Information : Closed on Saturday afternoon and Sunday.
Singapore – SIN
Website :www.changiairport.com.sg
Loading/Unloading equipment
- Forklifts of max. 3,000 kg.; 10,000 kg. available on request.
- Storage
Singapore Customs administratively allows liquors and tobacco products imported by air to be temporarily stored in Changi FTZ for a period of 30 days from the date of arrival. If longer period of storage is needed, they must be removed to a licensed warehouse outside Changi FTZ.
At airport by consignee or agent. Valuables can be cleared only by consignee himself or against a stamped letter of authority by consignee and proper identification of the person taking delivery. Precious/valuable cargo will only be released to consignees/agents in Singapore during normal office hours Monday through Friday 09.00 – 16.00 hrs. and Saturdays 09.00 – 12.00 hrs.
Consignees are able to take delivery of strongroom cargo, including precious and valuable cargo, daily from 08.30 hours to 16.30 hours, including Sundays and public holidays, from Singapore Airport Terminal Services.
Customs hours
ICA Air-Cargo Checkpoint operates round-the-clock.
Traders and agents could avail themselves of the service provided by the Customs Call Centre at telephone no. 63552000
Possible, by appointing cargo agent.
Delivery of strongroom cargo is available from 08.30 to 16.30 hrs. on weekdays only.
Under bond by other means of transportation e.g. sea, road, rail possible via any local agent. Charges upon application.
Customs duty / Goods & Services Tax (GST)
- All dutiable goods imported into or manufactured in Singapore are subject to Customs and/or Excise duty. The broad categories of dutiable goods in Singapore are intoxicating liquors, tobacco products, motor vehicles and petroleum products.
- All goods imported into Singapore are subject to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which is payable at 7% of the sum of the CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) value and duty, if any, of the imported goods. Accordingly, if the goods are dutiable, GST will be collected together with the duty.
- GST relief is granted on goods (excluding intoxicating liquors and tobacco products) imported by air to a total value not exceeding $400.00. Where the value exceeds $400.00, the entire sum would be subject to GST.
- Traders need to declare a Cargo Clearance Permit for movement of their cargoes for import, export and transshipment.
- Only companies that are registered for TradeNet purposes can declare permits for import, export and transshipment of goods. You will need a forwarding agent who is a registered TradeNet user to declare the permit for you if you are not registered as one.
- No Customs permit is required for transshipment of dutiable goods under through airway bill if the goods arrived by air and are to be transshipped by air within the same FTZ by internal delivery.
The procedures for clearance of conventional and containerized cargoes at the Customs checkpoints are outlined below.
Import Procedures
The trader will have to obtain a Cargo Clearance Permit from Customs and the competent Authority for goods subject to control prior to the import of the cargo. The trader will produce the cargo together with the following documents at the Customs Checkpoint for clearance:
- Cargo Clearance Permit (CCP) or ATA Carnet
- Invoice
- Packing List
- Airway Bill
- Other relevant supporting documents
For a consignment that requires partial clearance, the trader has to produce the same CCP each time for Customs endorsement until the whole consignment is completely cleared.
Import Clearance
The trader will have to obtain a Cargo Clearance Permit from Customs and the Competent Authority for goods subject to control prior to the import of the cargo.
The trader will produce the container for clearance at the Customs Checkpoint. The Cargo Clearance Permit and the supporting commercial documents need not be produced for cargo clearance purpose.
However, in the case of cargo imported under Carnet, the container together with relevant supporting documents will have to be produced at the Customs Checkpoint for clearance.
Containers may be sealed for subsequent examination. A sealed container will be released from the checkpoint after a printed “Notice to Importer/Haulier” is issued to the trader. Subsequently, the importer will have to apply to Singapore Customs for unstuffing of the sealed container.
Goods bearing marks suggestive of Singapore make, must show a counter indication of their true origin.
Language on documents must be in English
Other requirements
Documents must show weights and measures according to the metric system.
- Commercial consignments
- Combined Certificates of Value and Origin and Invoice of Goods or 2 Commercial Invoices.
- Sample consignments
- Pro Forma Invoice and specific description of contents on the AWB.
- Gift consignments
- Pro Forma Invoice and specific description of contents on the AWB.
- Unaccompanied baggage
- Packing List.
The import of certain goods from Singapore are subject to control by the relevant Competent Authorities.
Live animals (Including birds)
- Freight Department of the transporting airline to check that an Import Permit has been issued by the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA), Singapore and that a Veterinary Health Certificate and an Export Permit have been obtained from the country of export, before accepting any live animal or bird for carriage to or via Singapore.
- CITES Import Permit issued by the CITES Management Authority (AVA) of Singapore and CITES Export/Re-export Permit issued by the country of export are also required for the import of species of animals and birds which are endangered.
- Applications for Import Permits or CITES Import Permits for the importation (including transshipment) of live animals or birds can be made online via e-Services on the AVA website (www.ava.gov.sg –> e-Services).
- Animals and birds must be transported in cages or containers conforming to guidelines in the latest edition of IATA Live Animals Regulations.
- Limited accommodation is available at Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine (CAPQ) for animals (no livestock) and birds transiting Singapore for more than 4 hours. Fee per day SGD 26.25 per dog/cat (with feed); other animals or birds SGD 26.25 per kennel unit / per day (without feed).
- Dogs and cats (import)
- The owner or his agent must apply for the Import Permit by submitting an online application through AVA’s website (www.ava.gov.sg –> e-Services) prior to the date of arrival of the animal(s). The Permit is valid for 30 days from the date of issue.
- Original veterinary health certificate (issued within 7 days, prior to import) and Export Permit from the country of export (if applicable) and AVA Import Permit to accompany the animals, and available on arrival for veterinary clearance.
- For Dogs only: the animal was at a minimum of twelve (12) weeks of age at the time of export. The animal was vaccinated against canine distemper, parvovirus and infectious hepatitis prior to export. Animal under four (4) months of age must receive at least two (2) vaccinations, one (1) month apart, and the second vaccination must be given at least two (2) weeks prior to export. Animal above four (4) months of age must be vaccinated at least once not less than (2) weeks and not more than one (1) year prior to export.
- For cats only: the animal was at a minimum of twelve (12) weeks of age at the time of export. The animal was vaccinated against feline flu (feline calicivirus and feline viral rhinotracheitis, and chlamydia psittacine) and cat enteritis (i.e. feline panleukopenia / feline infectious enteritis). Animal under four (4) months of age must receive at least two (2) vaccinations, three (3) weeks apart, and the second vaccination must be at least two (2) weeks prior to export. Animal above four (4) months of age must be vaccinated at least once not less than two (2) weeks and not more than one (1) year prior to export.
- For dogs and cats: the animal must be treated with products effective against internal parasites (nematodes and cestodes) within four (4) days prior to export and external parasites (fleas and ticks) between two (2) and ten (10) days prior to export. Active ingredients of products used and date of treatment must be stated on the accompanying veterinary health certificate.
- All dogs/cats (except those direct from Australia, New Zealand, Ireland or United Kingdom) are subject, upon arrival, to rabies vaccination and quarantine for a minimum period of 30 days. The owner or his agent must ensure quarantine space is available. Non-air-conditioned accommodation fee SGD 16.80 per dog/cat per day (with feed); air-conditioned accommodation fee SGD 26.25 per dog/cat per day (with feed). For reservation of quarantine space, contact the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore, 5 Maxwell Road #02-03 Tower Block MND Complex, Singapore 069110 at Tel: 62270670/63257333; Fax: 62276305, or e-mail: AVA_Import&Export_Animals@ava.gov.sg.
- Transport charges from Changi Airfreight Centre to the Sembawang Animal Quarantine Station is applicable per dog/cat. For details, contact Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine, Changi Airfreight Centre, P.O. Box 604, Singapore 918104 at Tel: 65457522; Fax: 65453023.
- The dog/cat must be transported in escape-proof cages conforming to guidelines in the latest edition of IATA Live Animals Regulations.
- The following breeds of dogs and their crosses are not allowed to be imported into Singapore – Pit Bull (which includes the American Pit Bull and Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Bulldog, and crosses between them and with other breeds), Neapolitan Mastiff, Tosa, Akita, Dogo Argentino, Boerboel, Fila Braziliero and their crosses.
Pet birds (import)
- The owner or his agent must apply for the Import Permit (and CITES Import Permit if the bird is an endangered species) by submitting an online application through AVA’s website (www.ava.gov.sg –> e-Services) 30 days prior to the date of arrival of the bird(s).
- The bird(s) must be accompanied by an Import Permit issued by the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority, and a Veterinary Health Certificate from the country of export which complies with the veterinary conditions for the import of ornamental birds as set out by the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority.
- Birds listed as endangered species (e.g. parrots, macaws, cockatoos) must also be accompanied by the CITES Import Permit from CITES Management Authority of Singapore, and a CITES Export Permit from country of export.
- Birds which are sick on arrival will be quarantined at the Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine (CAPQ). CAPQ accommodation fee SGD 26.25 per kennel per day (without feed).
- Birds must be transported in cages or containers conforming to guidelines in the latest edition of IATA Live Animals Regulations.
To be continued to Next Articles
Salam Sehat, semangat Suksesss
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – March 27, 2022