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The Indonesian archipelago, historically known as Nusantara, is a tapestry of diverse cultures, traditions, and landscapes. One of its most iconic landmarks is Mount Bromo, an active volcano situated in East Java.

Mount Bromo is not merely a natural wonder; it also serves as a living testament to Indonesia’s rich cultural past, particularly the Nusantara era. The mountain’s name itself derives from the Javanese pronunciation of Brahma, the Hindu Creator god, suggesting the region’s historical Hindu-Buddhist influences. Despite the prevalence of Islam in modern Indonesia, the Tenggerese people, the indigenous community residing around Mount Bromo, still practice a unique form of Hinduism, highlighting the religious pluralism typical of Nusantara societies.

One of the most notable events held at Mount Bromo is the Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo Festival. This annual ritual provides a fascinating insight into the spiritual life of the Tenggerese people. The festival commemorates a mythical tale of sacrifice and divine blessings, with the Tenggerese offering food, livestock, and other goods by throwing them into the volcano’s crater as a sign of gratitude to the gods. The Kasada festival typically occurs on the 14th day of the Tenggerese calendar’s Kasodo month, which usually falls in July or August.

Mount Bromo also offers numerous fascinating places to visit, each with unique attractions.

  1. Mount Bromo Crater – A visit to Mount Bromo wouldn’t be complete without experiencing the volcano’s active crater. After a relatively easy hike, you will find yourself standing on the rim of the smoking crater, a truly awe-inspiring sight. To get there, you can take a jeep from Cemoro Lawang to the Sea of Sand, and from there, you can either walk or ride a horse to the foot of the stairs which will then lead you to the crater.
  1. Penanjakan Viewpoint – This is the prime spot for watching the sunrise over the Bromo landscape. The viewpoint can be reached by a pre-dawn jeep ride from Cemoro Lawang. Make sure to dress warmly as it tends to be quite cold in the early morning hours.
  1. Sea of Sand (Lautan Pasir) – This vast plain of volcanic sand surrounds Mount Bromo and is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The Sea of Sand, a vast desert-like plain surrounding the volcano, offers an ethereal experience. Again, a jeep from Cemoro Lawang can take you there. It’s an ethereal experience to walk or ride across this desert-like landscape.
  1. Savanna Hill (Bukit Teletubbies) – Named for its resemblance to the landscape in the children’s TV show “Teletubbies”, this lush green hill is a sharp contrast to the Sea of Sand. It’s usually part of a jeep tour itinerary from Cemoro Lawang.
  1. Madakaripura Waterfall – Located around an hour’s drive from Cemoro Lawang, this majestic waterfall is considered sacred by the locals. A motorbike or a car ride can take you to the parking area, and from there, a 20-minute walk along a path will lead you to the waterfall.
  1. The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, which encompasses Mount Bromo, is another must-visit location for its rich biodiversity.

To visit Mount Bromo and its surrounding attractions, international travelers usually fly into Juanda International Airport in Surabaya. From Surabaya, it’s a 3-4 hour drive to the town of Cemoro Lawang, the main gateway to Mount Bromo. You can arrange transport via private car hire, local bus, or through a tour agency. Once in Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari village of Sukapura  district , the most common way to explore the attractions is by hiring a local 4WD jeep, which can navigate the rugged terrain.

To recap that Mount Bromo holds a significant place in the cultural and natural landscape of Indonesia. It reflects the living style of Nusantara through its indigenous Tenggerese community and their religious practices. The cultural festivities, particularly the Kasada festival, add to the rich cultural tapestry of the region. The natural beauty and geographical features surrounding Mount Bromo offer numerous attractions for tourists. This magnificent volcano serves as a vibrant reminder of Indonesia’s diverse and rich heritage, standing as a testament to the country’s past and its dynamic present.


Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses

Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant


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